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So far Hamed has created 5 blog entries.

Types of AC Induction Motors

Types of AC Induction Motors As mentioned before, squirrel-cage induction motors are very prevalent in industry, in sizes from fractional horse powers up to tens of megawatts. They are simple, rugged, and self-starting, and maintain a reasonably constant speed from light load to full load, set by the frequency of the power supply and the [...]

Squirrel Cage Induction Motors

Squirrel Cage Induction Motors We have reviewed DC motors in previous posts. Squirrel-cage induction motors are very prevalent in industry, in sizes from fractional horse powers up to tens of megawatts. They are simple, rugged, and self-starting, and maintain a reasonably constant speed from light load to full load, set by the frequency of the [...]

DC Motors – Part II

As mentioned before, DC Motor is a category of electric motors which converts electric energy to mechanical energy. Most DC motors use magnetic field for this purpose. If look at the history of electric motors, you would find an argument between two great minds of all times, Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison. Edison was [...]

DC Electric Motors

As mentioned before, electric motors are either alternative current (AC) or direct current (DC). Electric motors are simple, scalable machines. Some main categories are DC motors, universal motors, step motors and AC motors. In this post, we are going to talk about DC motors. DC motors are easier to control than AC motors. But AC [...]

2021-04-05T04:18:43-04:007th March, 2021|DC Motor, Electric Motor, Kormas Motors|2 Comments

Electric machines

What is an electric motor? In daily life, in industry or even at home or office, we need to convert electrical energy to mechanical energy. Electric machine is a device which do this conversion; it can convert electrical energy to mechanical energy and vise versa. When it converts electrical energy to mechanical one, it [...]